It wasn't much of an Oscar year, right? I mean it was interesting and the winner (we know it's The Artist) is definitely not your average Oscar film, but I thought overall the quality was pretty low (or not as high as usual), at least in the Best Picture line-up. The Tree of Life is an instant classic, a masterpiece, but other than that hardly anything to get excited about.
My Oscar wish that will never happen: The Tree of Life for Best Picture.
My Oscar wish that could happen: Meryl Streep for Best Actress.
So here they are, 10 months after my first predictions back in April 2011. The winners will be:
Best Picture: The Artist
Alternative: The Descendants
My vote: The Tree of Life
Best Director: Michel Hazanavicius, for The Artist
Alternative: Martin Scorsese, for Hugo
My vote: Terrence Malick, for The Tree of Life
Best Actor: Jean Dujardin, for The Artist
Alternative: George Clooney, for The Descendants
My vote: Jean Dujardin
Best Actress: Viola Davis, for The Help
Alternative: Meryl Streep, for The Iron Lady
My vote: Meryl Streep
Best Supporting Actor: Christopher Plummer, for Beginners
Alternative: Max von Sydow, for Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
My vote: Christopher Plummer (haven't seen Warrior yet)
Best Supporting Actress: Octavia Spencer, for The Help
Alternative: Berenice Bejo, for The Artist
My vote: Melissa McCarthy, for Bridesmaids
Best Original Screenplay: Midnight in Paris
Alternative: The Artist
My vote: Bridesmaids (haven't seen Margin Call yet)
Best Adapted Screenplay: The Descendants
Alternative: Moneyball
My vote: Moneyball
Best Cinematography: The Tree of Life
Alternative: The Artist
My vote: The Tree of Life
Best Original Score: The Artist
Alternative: Hugo
My vote: The Artist (haven't seen/heard Tintin yet)
Best Original Song: The Muppets
Alternative: Rio
My vote: Rio
Best Editing: The Artist
Alternative: Hugo
My vote: The Artist
Best Art Direction: Hugo
Alternative: The Artist
My vote: Hugo
Best Costume Design: Hugo
Alternative: The Artist
My vote: - (I've only seen Hugo & The Artist, but I bet I'll love the costumes from W.E.)
Best Sound Mixing: Hugo
Alternative: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
My vote: Transformers III
Best Sound Editing: Hugo
Alternative: War Horse
My vote: Transformers III
Best Visual Effects: Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Alternative: Harry Potter
My vote: Transformers III (haven't seen Real Steel yet)
Best Makeup: The Iron Lady
Alternative: Harry Potter
My vote: The Iron Lady
Best Animated Feature: Rango
Alternative: Chico and Rita
My vote: - (for now I've only seen Rango)
Best Foreign Language Film: A Separation
Alternative: In Darkness
My vote: A Separation (it's the only one I've seen for now, but I doubt I'll feel differently. I liked it)
I know too little about Documentary, Documentary Short, Animated Short & Short Film, so I won't make any predictions on them.
I'll just say this about tonight: if by some complete surprise The Descendants wins Best Editing, than it will also win Picture, Actor & Screenplay and defeat The Artist. It's the only way The Artist could lose. But I doubt it.