Best Actress 1950
It was decided by destiny that 1950 is gonna be the next year in line. I was hoping for it, but a bit scared at the same time: what an intimidating, famous, historical line-up this is. I guess only 1939 could match the importance of this Best Actress year.
It it well known for Bette Davis's return to brilliant performances after a couple of dry years, for the comeback of a silent movie star in a role that became iconic (hell, even I have it as a header on this blog) and the mystery of Judy Holliday getting past these ladies and stealing the Oscar. Though, for those who've seen Born Yesterday, it's not much of a mystery.
It's also the year that gave us the first two actresses competing for Best Actress for the same film and the year that set the tone for those incredible 50s, filled with remarkable performances and fascinating roles for women. It's also a pleasure to finally write about Bette Davis (and what an entrance, I couldn't have done better), my favorite actress next to Meryl Streep.
Here are the 5 ladies that Oscar had chosen for 1950:

from left to right, I have the pleasure to introduce:
- Judy Holliday, in Born Yesterday
- Bette Davis, in All About Eve
- Eleanor Parker, in Caged
- Anne Baxter, in All About Eve
- Gloria Swanson, in Sunset Blvd.
Judy, Oscar's winner, will be first.
I think Bette will surely win. My guess for your ranking:
1. Davis
2. Swanson
3. Holliday
4. Parker
5. Baxter
I'm looking forward to all your thoughts!
And I'm just wondering, but why do you always do the winner first?
I need to see Born Yesterday, as it's the only one of these nominees I'm unfamiliar with. I can't wait to read your reactions to the others!
because otherwise it would be difficult to decide who to start with. And because I think the winner deserves to be first, as some kind of respect I need to show Oscar. :)
but the order of the other 4 isn't fully random. I usually position them so that it makes my rating easier. For 1978, for example, I suspected Geraldine Page was gonna be impossible to rate, so I wanted to decide on Fonda and Clayburgh first, and by comparision to decide the number of stars I'd give Geraldine. I usually leave the difficult ones towards the end.
I'm excited to read all of this year because THIS IS HISTORY. All of them could win.
I would imagine Bette to be ranked first place here, nice blog.
thank you.
nice face.
I know you as a Bette fan say her performance is gold, but I do think Baxter is just as good as she is and I'd still give the Oscar to Judy. Ah well, a brilliant lineup either way.
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