Sunday, September 27, 2009

A fearless event: Stinkylulu's Supporting Actress Smackdown

Time for another smackdown. I haven't participated since May I think when we did 1992, a year so chronologicaly close to the one we're talking about now. 1993!!!!! An interesting line-up: Holly Hunter, Anna Paquin, Rosie Perez, Winona Ryder & Emma Thompson that gave us very debatable performances (which is always good; to have something to talk about).
Anyway, it was another supermegapleasure for me to participate and I thank Stinkylulu (again) for including me.
So click here and see what some of us thought about the 1993 Best Supporting Actress category. You'll also find a clipreel I've made with great moments from these performances. Enjoy!


Rae Kasey said...

I was really happy to see that Paquin won. I thought she was fantastic in The Piano, one of my favorite films ever.

Alex Constantin said...

I went with Rosie Perez! I thought her performance was the most complex one