Sunday, December 18, 2011

I know it looks like I've been lazy, but I'm still here. Best Actress 1931 WILL continue, but I also need to catch up with a lot of 2011 films.

Anyway, still a month or so till Best Actress 2011 line-up is announced and by that time I'll have finished BA 1931, did my 100th anniversary, updated predictions and so on.

I'm still here.


Andrew K. said...

This is the time of year when all those deadlines start catching up with us.

Alex Constantin said...

well, yes, every year I promise myself I won't leave all the films from one year for winter & next spring, that I'll see them gradually, all year long.

every year I fail. So even for now I have like 40 films to see. :D gonna be a looooooong season for me.